Sr.Gayatri in Thailand
(30 Aug - 4 Sept,'24)

We welcomed Sr.Gayatri to Thailand with 3 Public programs during 1-4 September, 24. to celebrate the month of International Day of Peace(21 Sept, 24) with the aim to build "A culture of Peace and non-violence" till the end time. ...based on UN Manifesto 2000 ... cultivated with virtues respectively
  1. Respect all life - Respect
  2. Reject violence - Peace
  3. Share with others - Love
  4. Listen to understand - Humility
  5. Preserve the planet - Responsibility
  6. Rediscover solidarity - Unity
Since Thailand took part in Global Co-operation for a Better World in 1988, this unfinished business had been hovering in our memory bank, one after another...

To achieve a clear vision of a better world with 16 different sectors of society, in the past, we invited BKs & Non BKs from different sectors/professions to express their vision of personal or cultural values. As an open door to serve them deeper this year, we drew together to form a comprehensive and integrated picture of the world we envision by having them to be a part of building a culture of peace instead of thinking of the current problems of peacelessness + violence and feel hopeless.

We now believe that one by one, old/new BKs or non BKs will feel inspired to share their vision and practical actions as per their capacity. At least, they will feel that they are an integral part of creating a beautiful world of peace and happiness. No matter where/who did, each concept started with anyone who are keen of sharing.

In Korat, Nordika Hill, named for the land of peace + happiness was the place offered from the heart to meet special guests and spiritual seekers with the link of love + regard for their influential role on 1 September,24. with Sr.Gayatri.

Sr.Neelu shared her experience of being attentive to learn to grow every day during 1-4 September, ’24. of keeping Sr.Gayatri’s company.

"We have had an honor & privilege of having Gayatri Behn with us at the very start of Sept month. Her whole demeanor and aura has been uplifting, Inspiring and full of insights for self progress and collective progress as a community and society.

Her sessions are based more on how her own experiences have come from actually being in the real field outside and then bringing those experiences into her inner field where she has applied the highest wisdom gathered through Supreme's teachings in Murli and then from this inner field has come a transformation inside out which has impacted every life she has touched. She has become the source of strength for each soul who comes in her connection.

The wisdom we have personally got to reflect upon and to make self transformation possible are

Wars begin in Minds and So does Peace.

Peace and Silence are not words and not things to be achieved or acquired from outside. PEACE & SILENCE are a natural state of the Soul, a natural nature of the mind to return to.

Silence of words, and mouth is not silence at all, it can be filled with feelings of anger, hatre, resentment, dark emotions, sadness, hurt. SILENCE IS NOT ABSENCE OF WORDS, IT’S ABSENCE OF NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS WITHIN MIND.

SILENCE & PEACE flow with an ability to observe a situation & person without judgement and feeling no compulsion to react or to change situations or souls for self comfort.

Allow every individual even an infant, to bloom into their full potential rather than what you wish for them to be.

To not give sorrow is very easy and spirituality is all about not taking sorrow through words and actions of others.
(click more)

1-9-2024 - Morning Sr.Wallapa’s place
First night in Bangkok, Sr.Gayatri tied the first Rakhi to Sr.Wallapa (85 yrs. old pukka student) at her place before departing to Nordika Hill, Korat with 8 passengers on the Van, leading by ‘Silence is Calling’ on motor home. She gave class online to regular students before departure at 7-7.30am

1-9-2024 - Afternoon Nordika Hill, at Korat
New cottage named ‘Jasmine’ was inaugurated by Sr.Gayatri in her favorite flower ‘Jasmine’
Fresh Jasmines’fragrance spread all over the place.

At 3 pm. On 1 September 24
Our new café ‘Eating Well’ hold the gathering of over 30 souls, representing 16 sectors of society to be blessed by Sr.Gayatri for the timeless project ‘A Culture of Peace ’

Each and everyone shared their spirit of serving different sectors. From ‘Religion’, Tan Chan, famous Buddhist monk expressed his beautiful poem before departure.

At night, we ended up with the contract signed for Baba’s new house with construction team : engineer, architect.

2-9-2024 - Morning
Amrit Vela + Murli with Sr.Gayatri with 30 BKs who came for the special meeting

…Never be too late for ‘Rakhi’ to create special bond of protection for some who missed the last celebration in August

10 souls had Rakhi tied and retied

The game of Changing ‘Commercial’ G into spiritual G offered Sr.Gayatri a smallest gift of letter. ‘G’. G stands for what?.
  • For bundit or scholar, G is for Guess (welknown brand name, key ring)
  • For true seekers, G is for God
  • For Sr.Gayatri, G is for Gayatri
To lay the foundation of Value based project on A culture of peace and non-violence with ‘the power of the resilience, ‘Gingo Tree’ was planted by Sr.Gayatri + Sr.La, initiated by Sr.Prajwal

Another 2 trees, representing national tree of Thailand : Mangosteen and Orange were planted on this auspicious occasion

Sing along song ‘I am on my way’ to the happy land was over powered by new words…to heavenly abode

2-9-2024 - Evening
Back to Bangkok in 4 hours, we had special programe arranged at 6.30-8.00 pm. Sr.Karen expressed her part of service taking part at Pacific City Club, in Sukhumvit area.

We were very fortunate to have Sr.Gayatri visiting us in Thailand recently. It also gave us an opportunity to understand the depths of her works on behalf of Brahma Kumaris with the United Nations as our representative. We were able to organise an evening session for professionals through We Women Network, their new forum for men & women, Together We Thrive, at the prestigious Pacific Club in the heart of the city. Attended by diverse communities, all were able to relate the Development goals of the UN with our daily lives, in order to manifest the topic “Spiritual Transformation as a Universal Phenomenon”. The question and answer session that followed was very interactive and she was able to shed light into practical solutions on many struggling issues with emotional trauma and physical violence. We hope to proceed with this group and BKs here to serve humanity through the possibility of “Shiv Shakti” program under her guidance as well.
Apologies for unprofessional recording, as was managing on my own 😅 with some help from Prajwal sometimes 👍💕.. unplanned setting & quite in a hurry as well:):)
There’s a portion that will help those who are feeling low.. losing self value and depressed.. Take care ⭐️🤍
Know that, We are loved and always taken care of🌹

At the centre in Sukhumvit on 4 sept, 24 after morning class, Sr.Karen continued her experience… I also had the wonderful opportunity to interview her on various deep struggling issues, at our Indian Sukhumvit Centre, which she had the touching from Baba to name “Baba Bhavan”. Her role & depth of clarity in addressing depths of issue and empowering people with practical solutions was evident at many issues raised, such as depression & feeling low, relationships, lack of self esteem, love & justice, etc. She has definitely left an impact and motivation to serve in the wider communities while strengthening our own characters by continually checking and striving to embody divine godly virtues, especially Harmony, Unity n Oneness, through deep continuous yoga practices & Murli listening with the feel of personal love for Baba. We feel totally blessed by her brief but so powerful visit and truly looking forward to some retreats here with her in future and more visits of other seniors who can be our guiding lights. Thank you Baba for such blessings.

3-9-2024 - Morning
English Murli/Class by Sr.Gayatri, was linked on Line for all students. both in English and Thai (translated by Sr.Prapa from the main centre)


We arrived at the venue just in time
At the Reception Room, organising team welcomed Sr.Gayatri, Sr.La

Organiser, Mr.Terakorn introduced his project and Sr.La, National Co-ordinator of Brahma Kumaris Sr.La introdued Brahma Kumaris and Sr.Gayatri in the Opening speech
Br.Sutti got 100% mark for his translation in best vibration for the talk

Br.Sutti-Co-ordinator of this public programme, shared his experience…
What a wonderful class of spirituality simply translated into concise, practical knowledge to the Thai public of diverse background! Sister Gayatri has masterfully crafted stories around 4-faces Brahma, well-known among the Thai communities and taught everyone the most important lesson of our life and soul power, simply like a mom talking to her beloved children. The event, held at the famous Thai Health Promotion Center in Bangkok, was registered by over 80+ participants from all walks of life seeking to learn from her. The class was impressively finished by Sr. Gayatri ’s powerful drishti to all attending souls who participated in peaceful meditation, wrapped up through BK’s most critical aspect of soul’s remembrance and connection with Baba. It was really my humble honour to be part of such elevated services only made possible by Sr. Gayatri Naraine’s visit. Thank you so much!
Sr.La translated Q/A session

Closure : Sr.La invited audiences to join the future programme in Creating a Beautiful World with the heart of a butterfly in the process of…change …transformation and Metamorphosis from the level of thought, consciousness and experience
Very active participant
Gift giving time


After the Public programe, Sr.La took Sr.Gayatri to the main Brahma’s shrine in Bangkok town at Erawan Hotel

Sr.Gayatri shared her feelings in morning class on the last day (4 Sept'24)

...Her love for Brahma Baba has pulled Sr.Gayatri to this land. She mentioned the visit to the Brahma Shrine, was the highlight of her trip, where for the 1st time she saw people worshipping Brahma from all directions, sharing, praying, and waiting for their wishes to be fulfilled, and they were all non-Indians.

Sr.La's observation: "The love for Shiv Baba, creates the feeling of being nimit(instrument) with responsibility to serve 4 corners of the world in unity. Symbolised by 4 faces of Brahma to give the vision of subtle Brahma in Thailand for us all to be avyakt in the body of light.

Sr.Gayatri's last message from Cambodia (next service station).
Thailand is a beautiful country and you must have all made BapDada very proud that's why it's Brahma's land.
Lots of love to you

4-9-2024 - Morning

Started a day with Murli on time for all.

At Indian Embassy, we had a long sweet meeting with Deputy Chief of mission. Sr.Gayatri tied Rakhi. Br.Kailash, Sr.Prajwal and Sr.La are looking forward for future task in different occasions.

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