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The full news in Thai with our concept and their selected photos was posted by the government from the Security News Bureau from the morning ( at the university hall) and evening outdoor activities (at Thao Suranari Monument ). The Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Foundation, Thailand as a network of Brahma Kumaris World spiritual university held an event to celebrate the International Peace Day entitled "Creating a Beautiful World with Silence" on Thursday 21st September 2023 at Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University, Building 35, 1st Floor. Over a month, we spent a lot of energy on this main event at Nakhon Ratchasima (Northeastern part, over 4 hours away from Bangkok) with the following objectives:
Asst.Prof.Dr.Sutisa Rattanawicha (MPC, Office of the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission, NBTC) was one of the official VIP guests. BK Gopi Patel gave a talk on “The Bliss of Being at Peace with Oneself and the World”. Sharing feelings from Sr.Prajwal 21 September 2023, In Korat on the International Day of Peace, the day started on a powerful note with a feeling of being a World Mother a feeling of benevolence of sharing the love and power received from the Supreme Soul to each one. A quote from Gopi Bhen stayed with me "When performing any action, don't carry the burden of what you are doing, make your intellect bodiless, then the supreme's energy works through you". The first visit was to Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University where students and professors welcomed Sr. Gopi and Sr. La with flags from 195 countries. The Professor, The Dean, and all attendees expressed their appreciation for the session, understanding the importance of developing spiritual consciousness amongst students and professors. There were a series of silence meditations and Sr. Gopi's session remarkably introduced the audience to their true self with a profound understanding, that I the soul am a being of peace, and it's this peace that gets transferred in everything that I do.
Sr.La introduced Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University and the concept of Inner Peace, World Peace
Sr.Gopi was introduced by Sr.Prajwal who is a student from Mahidol University...
once was trained by Sr.Gopi in International Youth Forum at the H.Q. 'Brahma Kumaris'
Dr.Suthisa shared experience
Thai Students and Professors also lovingly tied the Rakhi, with the awareness that this powerful thread is a bond of love and protection from the Supreme soul. Sound recording click To invite people to register in LINE group for future online programme every thrid Sunday., This power point concluded the main ideas for creating a beautiful world through Silence
Outdoor Activities In the evening we had a special gathering in front of the statue, where a concert and workshops were arranged. I got an opportunity to see first-hand Angels in Action. On 20th September, so many souls dedicated countless hours to ensure that everything was ready for the evening program on 21st September. It rained the next day, but there was such coolness in the gathering and everyone demonstrated great adaptability resulting in a fruitful event. Tan Chan, well-known Buddhist monk was our main speaker, having interesting ideas/concept from different Songs etc. to share with Br.Pom,Br.Petch,Br.Golf (with his Gutar, song music). They entertained people even in the rain all afternoon. Tan Chan took leave when Sr.La, Sr.Gopi arrived at 6 pm. Some IP guests was invited to share their views on 'Peace' particularly 'Dr.Chiva' who drove himself over 2 hours with his son/wife. Sr.Gopi/Sr.La gave light, drishti to 21 guests on the stage
Two cloaks are on duty
Father & Son named 'Chiva' received the same gift of 'Light' of Shiva
3 sisters from Korat (standing behind) was the main instruments to make it happen
In summary, this VDO works as a messager of peace, reflecting co-operation from different places-people
Om Shanti |